Saturday, November 17, 2012


These photos were collected from people who lived in the Big Fork, Sulphur Springs, & Caddo areas.  No names were written on the back so I have no idea who they are.  Can anyone identify these people?  Click on each one to see the whole photo.

This one has been identified as the Jonathan Beck family.


Here are some old photos that were collected and copied from people who lived in the Big Fork, Sulphur Springs and Caddo areas. I have included what was written on the back of each one. Click on each one to see the complete photo.

L to R:  Rob Hoyle, Freeman Edwards, Holder Edwards.  
Photo taken across road from Clyde Bates' house where 
Rachel Edwards & Annie Philpot lived.

Sitting on log L to R: Colonel Standridge, Lillie Spake, Will Hughes, 
Martha Spake, Wayne Beck, Ida Spake, & Granville Bowen.   
Back of log L to R:  Jess Putman, Jess Beck

L to R:  Wesley Hughes, Audie Curl, Lela Cox, & Agnes Sherman

L to R: Robert Lee Smith, son of William Roberts;  Dewey Smith, 
son of Alexander Chapman

Only name on the back is:  Ozeta Spake